"moonstruck / No Looking Back"
Chris Jones, der schon auf zahlreichen Stockfisch-Produktionen als genialer Begleitgitarrist mitgewirkt hat, produzierte im Winter '99/2000 die CD moonstruck. Dabei erhielt er Unterstützung von großartigen Musikern wie Michael Sagmeister, Victor Smolski und vielen anderen …
Chris Jones about this Double-CD: "I think this CD is probably unique, in that it captures my music over a span of 17 years - Moonstruck is actually 2 separate CDs, my first LP (yes, it was before CDs existed!) "No Looking Back" is included in it's digitally re-mastered form. Although my vocals have improved over the years, not that much has changed since 1983, other than me getting old and fat. The songs are still personal (maybe even more so, I've lived and learned a lot in those 17 years) and the music means just as much to me now as it did back then. If you like honest acoustic music, you'll like Moonstruck."
"Es kommt nicht so oft vor, daß Musiker unvermittelt ihre Aktivitäten unterbrechen, lauschen und fragen: Wer ist das denn? Chris Jones - nicht so bekannt vielleicht aber einfach gut. Ein excellentes Gitarrenspiel und eine besondere Stimme, hervorragend im Zusammenspiel mit kongenialen Kollegen." - info@hearsafe.de
"Apart from the strong roster of songs, the power and clarity of the recording are truly exceptional. …
Soulful, bluesy, bluegrass with a touch of gospel and super-potent bass (though not on every track) is perhaps the best way to describe it. It's an album of good strong songs with lots of feeling, maybe a sort of pumped-up James Taylor with flavours of Mark Cohn and Gordon Lightfoot. The opener, I Could Be Singing This Song Long After You're Gone, is an absolute killer. …
If nothing else, it's an exceptionally powerful recording with which to give your hi-fi system an exhilarating workout and impress your guests ~ that bass is really addictive right from the word go. If played at high level, it'll swiftly warm up the heat sinks adjacent to the output transistors on your power amplifier/s and tell you what items in your listening room are susceptible to rattling." - Julian Stevens